Freeze N Dried

About Our Freeze Dried Sweets

A Treat from Out of This World: Exploring Freeze-Dried Sweets

You might expect that, like most of our fantasies about what space-faring astronauts get to enjoy on their missions, freeze-­dried candy is, so far, an imaginary foodstuff. Well, this imaginative lunchbox cuisine is real enough (and growing in popularity right here on terra firma). This article will cover the basics of what it is, how it’s different from other kinds of candy, and the range of options available.

What is Freeze-Dried Candy?

What freeze-drying does, essentially, is remove virtually all the water from the food by passing it through a series of freezing and low-pressure vacuum stages. The end product is essentially a lightweight, shelf-stable food that retains most of its flavour and shape.

Candy might seem like an unlikely candidate – spinning the water out preserves it, sure, but it also leaves behind concentrated sugars and other components that give freeze-dried candies a chance to show off their unique baked texture. They also tend to have an intensified flavour that can be quite delicious, as long as you don’t eat too many of them in a row.

A Universe of Sweetened Delights

Goodbye, the limited selection of freeze-dried candy solely based around generic red lollies and randomly melting yellow rings. These days, a space-station-sized array of sweets is available in freeze-dried form: gummy bears, sour patch kids, ice-cream sandwiches, even chocolate bars.

Here are some interesting examples:

Fruit: strawberries, bananas, even watermelon cut into slices turned sweet and crunchy.

Gummy Candies: As the gummy water gets freeze-dried, the flavour becomes concentrated, stronger and more intense than before by becoming more solidified in less product.

Chocolate: Freeze-dried chocolate boasts a delightful crumble and a more concentrated cocoa flavor.

Beyond Earthly Delights: The Advantages of Freeze-Dried Sweets

While the novelty factor is undeniable, freeze-dried candy offers some practical advantages as well:

Extended Shelf Life: Since they are devoid of moisture, these candies will retain their freshness and maintain their shape for a very, very long time. They’re also a perfect snack for camping or other outdoor activities.

Light and packable: freeze-dried sweets are lightweight and packable, putting them on par perfect for being packed in backpacks and used on hiking trails.

Intensified Flavors: The freeze-drying process concentrates the flavors, offering a more powerful taste experience.

Ever had a freeze-dried candy? It’s like eating your cravings from a lifetime suspended. Crisp and grainy, dusty and syrupy, and packed full of intense flavours with a long shelf-life and low water content, this space-food sensation is guaranteed to change your world, even from afar.

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